7 Causes Increase in Weight That You Can not Control

Tired of seeing the numbers on the scale that indicates that your weight does not go down? Before taking action to lose weight, it's good to know what are the factors that make you fat, because then can know what the right solution for your weight. "Many people think that style live the cause, but the real thing is our body's reaction to factors that we can not control," said Robert J. Hedaya, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center, as quoted from health .yahoo.net. "Whether it's hormonal factors, side effects of medications, or other factors", he added.

7 Causes Increase in Weight That You Can not Control

Here are seven factors associated with weight gain that you can not control:

1. You're depressed
Depression can be correlated with weight loss. According to one study in 2010 published in the American Journal of Public Health found that people who are depressed tend to experience significant weight gain. What's worse is the person who is depressed but does not consult or report problems to the doctor or expert. This could have an effect on their weight which rose faster than the person who reported the problem of depression. People like this are likely due to a problem running uncontrolled feeding activities such as eating foods high in fat, high in calories, or other tasty food but not healthy.

As for those who have been consulted, usually given anti-depressant drugs even though the drug also has an influence on weight gain though not significant (2 to 7 kilograms, with the gradual accumulation of continuously over the years).

So this depression problems have to be overcome. Try to socialize with others so that your depressed feelings gradually reduced. Anti-depressant drugs are just not for the support and dependency.

2. Side effects of drugs
There is a long list of medications that can cause weight gain. If you are taking birth control pills, enhancing hormones, steroids, beta-blockers for heart disease and blood pressure, anti-seizure medications, a breast cancer drug such as Tamoxifen, a drug for rheumatoid arthritis, some migraine medications and heartburn, then maybe that's why your weight gain. The resulting influence of these drugs can also be different, some may affect appetite, some may affect the metabolism. If you suspect that you are taking drugs that affect your weight, try consulting with your doctor who may be able to provide an alternative drug that does not have certain side effects.

3. Digestive problems
Gastrointestinal problems, including bowel movements are not smooth also be able to explain the problems your weight goes up. "Ideally, you eat, and then, an hour later, you have a bowel movement," said Dr. Hedaya. If you are not so regular bowel movements can so you less fiber, dehydration, or the effects of medications you are taking. Therefore, eat foods rich in fiber and keep your body hydrated.

4. The body was not fulfilled by certain nutrients
Lack of vitamin D, magnesium, or iron can compromise the immune system, weakens the energy, or alter your metabolism in a way that is not good. To meet the iron levels you can eat red meat and spinach, for magnesium can be found in almonds. But for vitamin D should consult a doctor to get the proper dosage levels or because if too much to get vitamin D would affect kidney health.

5. You are getting older
These conditions can not be avoided. "Often, I hear patients say that their metabolism slows down", said Dr. Fradin-Read. "It is real, At the age of 40 years and above we do not burn calories as much time in the 20s. So we need to exercise more and eat less to keep her metabolism good. Some studies have shown that exercise is more important than diet to maintain weight with long-term.

6. The heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
"Many musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis or heel pain, osteoarthritis, knee or hip pain can lead to weight gain you are not intentional," said Donald bohay, MD, cochairman of public education committee for the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. Such pain can indirectly deactivate your activities that can cause weight gain.

7. You hit Cushing
The weight gain is accompanied by high blood pressure, osteoporosis, skin discoloration in the abdomen or thigh, rosy cheeks could be a sign that your body does not process the nutrients the way it should because of the adrenal glands in the body produces too much of the hormone cortisol. If it is so you are experiencing Cushing's syndrome. "This syndrome is not common, but one of the signs is the distribution of excess fat you will be in the middle of your body, leaving the arms and legs that tend to be leaner," said Dr. Wittlin.

If you include people with the above characteristics, then immediately to consult with your doctor in order to get the right solution. Hopefully this article helpful.

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