7 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Do not get caught up in the notion that food is your enemy when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, it is quite the opposite: make friends with the right foods, then it could be an effective step to reduce your weight. There are 7 foods that nutritionists known as the food that can increase fat burning in your body, quoted healthyliving.msn.com, which are:

7 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. Oats or Wheat
Oat is wheat, and they are high in what is called a nutritionist as "satiety index (Index of satiety)," meaning oats have a remarkable ability to make you feel full. Not only that, oats are also high in soluble fiber, so that oats can combat cholesterol and blood fats. Oats do not raise blood sugar and make you feel full until noon.

2. Eggs
Nutritionists have tried for several years to restore the reputation of the eggs that are less good. No longer regarded as a supporter of cholesterol, the egg is a digest form of animal protein without the extra fat found in meat. Diet studies have repeatedly found that when people ate eggs every morning apart (instead of) toast or cereal, their weight tends to fall twice as much as those who had breakfast with carbohydrates domination.

3. Skim Milk
Several studies in leading publications such as the Journal of Obesity showed that a combination of calcium, vitamin D, protein and low fat in skim milk and nonfat yogurt can lead to weight loss and help maintain and strengthen the muscles.

4. Apples
To maintain weight, eat one or two apples per day. Numerous studies have found that eating an apple half to one hour before eating the main meal, can cut calories the main meal. Why? Because the fiber in apples makes you feel full, so you will eat less. Recent research shows that eating apples has other benefits, the antioxidants in apples may prevent metabolic syndrome, a combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and prediabetes that tends to thicken parts of the body around the waist.

5. Red Meat
You doubt that red meat can help you lose weight? Wait a minute, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the results of diet for women who eat red meat with women who did not eat red meat. As a result, women who ate red meat lost more weight. Experts suspect that the solid protein in lean red meat helps the body to maintain muscle mass, but of course this is only the assumption only.

6. Cinnamon
Spices are easily found turned out to have the ability to help your body metabolize sugar, according to data from a study involving patients with diabetes. Eating at least 1/4 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon per day is known to lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol sebanya 10 to 25 percent. Cinnamon could add to cereal or coffee.

7. Almonds and Almond Butter
Other foods that may be doubtful to help you lose weight is almonds. It is true that the almond dense in calories, but almonds also have a large nutrient content and highly effective in counteracting cholesterol and triglycerides. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating almonds as effective as taking a statin (class of prescription drugs that are useful for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood). Likewise with almond butter to provide additional protein.

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